About Us

18 Years Caring About Animal & Environment

ANIMAX HEALTH CARE  has focused on the development, production and marketing of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Products. After 17 years of effort, we have built up a modern marketing base and will keep expanding our business to every specialized aspect. Our company is committed to ensuring that the relationship between animals and humans remains positive.

Featured Products

We have emerged as one of the most trusted manufacturers and distributors of All Kinds of Poultry & Veterinary Products at minimal prices. Our product range is as follows:

LDM (Milk Booster)

Recommend this incomparable product L.D.M. to your animal keepers daily – give health to their animal – produce more milk continuously
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Milk Mass J.S Bolus

Increases total lactation period Improves milk holding capacity Leads to smooth let down of milkin case of calf death and abortion.
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Anip – C Bolus & INJ

Anip C Injection contains Nimesulide and Paracetamol. Nimesulide and Paracetamol both are two NSAID pain killers.
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Livomarine (liver Tonic)

Powerful Antioxidant-more powerful than Vitamin C and E Tone up micro flora in calves after deworming Corrects fatty liver syndrome.
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Udder-Gard (Vitamin Tonic)

Speeds recovery from mastitis Prevents post pertum mastitis Promotes the growth of foetus
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No Repeat Breeding

Anoestrus Non-ovulation Nutri-Diet Plus (Mineral Mixture) Meets mineral deficiency Brings fertility in cattle and buffalo Treats Rheumatism Finishes weakness Increase milk production.
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Utramax (Utrine Tonic)

The best beneficial uterine tonic & ecbolic after parturition
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Prolap – Gard Powder

Prolap Gard For care and cure of Prolapse
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NutriDiet Plus

Nutri diet is such a mineral mixture that fulfills the deficiency of essential elements of the animal.
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Less dosage required ➡ Extremely beneficial effects ➡ Affordable Prices

Benefits of Animax HealthCare Private Limited

Set Pet Bolus is very effective treatment for all problems of animal udders.

Best Product by Animax HealthCare Private Limited
LDM(Let Down of Milk)

LDM is a very effective animal feed supplement, which changes the behavior of the animal to a positive one.

Benefits of NutriDiet AnimaxHealthCare

Nutri diet is such a mineral mixture that fulfills the deficiency of essential elements of the animal.

Trusted by Leading Brands